The Hooded Plover is vulnerable to extinction on our beaches. Our project has helped keep these birds from extinction and we’re seeking your support to continue this vital work.
Help us keep the Hoodie safe so that we can all enjoy the beauty of our beaches, birds and landscape. Please make a tax deductible donation today. The Hoodie Project is designed to relieve the predatory pressure of the European Red Fox (vulpes vulpes) on the beach nesting Hooded Plover (Thinornis cucullatus). Through targeted fox control over the last 4 years, we have seen the successful fledgelings increase to 11 and then double again this year. With your help we hope to continue to protect our beaches and the critically endangered birds that call them home. We are seeking funds to undertake strategic fox control and community engagement to educate locals and members of the public and grow the project for future years. In a two-pronged approach to the Hooded Plover project we will also undertake control of Sea Spurge (Euphorbia paralias) using a biocontrol in the form of a fungus (Venturia paralias). Serious infestations of Sea Spurge have altered dune shape and form heavily impacting on the Hooded Plover’s nesting sites. Through these two methods we aim to continue the increase the population of this bird as well as providing respite from predation for a range of other small weight animals that call the sand dunes home, such as lizards, other sea birds, and small mammals. With one gift you can make a difference to a large range of biodiversity, and the beauty of our Bass Coast beaches. |