National Tree Day 2023 was celebrated in Kongwak on Sat 29 July with a gesture of “love” directed toward the Kongwak Pioneer Reserve.
The “love” was in form of a community tree planting event hosted by Kongwak Hills Landcare Group, part of their "Love your Reserve" Community project which aims to engage the Kongwak community in restoring the declining health of the 41ha patch of significant remnant vegetation back to a place of self-sustainability.
The Kongwak Pioneer Reserve was given some “love” by some of its smallest neighbours for Schools Tree Day 2023 on Fri 28 July 2023.
The event formed part of Kongwak Hills Landcare Group’s "Love your Reserve" project, which saw Kongwak Primary School students, staff and their families come together to replenish the Reserve with over 900 indigenous plants. Listen in as our chairperson Grace Couchman speaks to ABC Gippsland's Breakfast host Mim Hook about why we should all "love your reserve".
Committee members Grace and Kate attended the South Gippsland Shire Council’s Community Grants presentation, Wednesday 19 July 2023.
They accepted a $4000 grant to support KHLG’s "Love your Reserve" project, which aims to engage the Kongwak Primary School and broader Kongwak Community in education and on-ground works within the Kongwak Pioneer Reserve. Thank you for your support South Gippsland Shire Council. Have you got love to give? As part of our "Love your Reserve" project, KHLG is coordinating a community tree planting event in the Kongwak Pioneer Reserve to celebrate “National Tree Day”.
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December 2024