Want to create a Facebook page for your group or manage your existing page a little easier? Come along to our Facebook Training Night on July 8th, where we will have Erika McInerney, founder of Mac&Ernie social media training, running us through how to make the most of social media for Landcare groups.
Click the image below to view the full-size flyer, and follow this link to register. https://landcarefbtraining.eventbrite.com.au Korumburra Landcare, held a meeting on Tuesday 4th June, where we had a special guest come along and give us her wisdom on all things frogs. Lovely soup and arancini balls with real saffron was served to keep us all warm and happy.
The night was held at Prom Country Cheese, in their warm dining area. Bronwyn and Burke do a magnificent job as hosts, very humble and have big hearts. There were cheese platters for nibbles (and by the looks of the empty platters, the cheeses were well received!) Bronwyn made arancini balls with real saffron from Sandra. Some home made soups were the main meal on a very chilly night, and range of homemade desserts on offer too. We filled our bellies in anticipation for our guest speaker. Dr Lynette Plenderleith has a massive love for frogs, a wildlife biologist, who has a PhD in Australian Frogs, a Masters Degree in Salamander ecology and a natural knack of interpreting science for the general public. Lynette is the founder and chair person of Frogs Victoria (which is how Korumburra Landcare Group came into contact with her), she is President of Victorian branch of the Australian Science Communicators. Lynette has a bubbly, energetic personality, she has a vast range of knowledge of frogs from around the world and Australia, yet she communicates on a level that for the whole 75 minutes the 25-30 members were so engaged, they didn’t want the presentation to stop. *Please note updates to the PILG tree planting calendar*
Phillip Island Landcare Group's planting calendar is here, with dates from June through to September. Click the flier to enlarge, and don't forget to RSVP for any planting days you would like to attend (for catering purposes - all planting days finish off with a free BBQ lunch!) Our hard-working Nursery Group received a new tea room yesterday morning, delivered on the back of a truck and put in place via a crane. Nursery Supervisor Bronwyn Teesdale did the honours of cutting the purple ribbon to officially declare the room 'open', and now the decorating will begin for them to make it their own.
Welcome to Wattlebank Park Farm. Landowners Nadine and Clive Verboon initially managed a dairy enterprise on their property. After an extreme flood event they decided to diversify to ensure their business became more resilient into the future.
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