Fantastic news. Bass Coast Landcare Network and its key partners are pleased to announce that the long awaited Climate Adaptation Plan (CAP) is live and can be accessed at the following web address. The CAP can be accessed via the Growing Southern Gippsland website which provides farmers with access to climate resources and local examples of climate adaptation and mitigation. It is designed to encourage self-guided information gathering and research.
Have you noticed an increase in rabbits and the damage they cause? With a few wet summers, rabbit numbers have rapidly increased.
The Bass Coast Landcare Network are starting a two-year rabbit control project on Phillip Island – Teaming Up to Tackle Rabbits. To kick the project off we have a presentation from Feral Scan, running through how to use the Rabbit Scan phone app to quickly and easily record rabbit activity. A map of rabbit activity will greatly assist in rabbit control over the next two years. So please join us, and whenever you are out and about record rabbit activity. Event Details Date: 23rd June 2022 Time: 7:00PM Zoom Link: Contact: If you have any questions, email [email protected] Please ensure your microphone is muted during the presentation. If you have a question please type it in the chat, otherwise please save it for the end of the presentation. Phillip Island is recognised for its sensitive and unique landscapes, and it’s important they are protected and enhanced. To further this cause a newly formed group has developed named Phillip Island Land Alliance (PILA). PILA’s vision is ‘A connected community who respects and protects the unique and biodiverse environment of Phillip Island’. The inaugural alliance members include all 9 coastal community volunteer groups that manage their respective areas of the Phillip Island coast, in addition to Phillip Island Landcare Group and Phillip Island Conservation Society.
The idea of the alliance began through a 2020-21 Coastcare Victoria Community Grant applied for by Phillip Island Landcare Group in partnership with 5 Coast Action/Coastcare groups. The thinking was to bring together community groups that care for the land to share knowledge and resources. The idea was supported by all Phillip Island’s coastal groups and was summarized well by Keith McDougall from Silverleaves Conservation Association; “Our group like many, has operated as a silo with limited scope. We are excited about the PILA idea, with Island wide conservation issues and a strong voice”. |
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June 2024