Watch Bass Coast light up at a festival with a difference! This local event is part of 'The Edge of Us' project administered by the Bass Valley Landcare Group and showcases exciting light sculptures starting with a Celebration evening on Saturday 8th of April and powering up every night until Friday 14th of April. You can help to make something, come along and hang around, meet your neighbors and enjoy the lights! Click below for the flyer with more information, dates locations, food options and how you can get involved in this exciting new project. Check out the other exciting local happenings in 'The Edge of Us' Project at ![]()
Council are working on a Biodiversity Biolinks Plan to map areas of native bushland in the shire and identify linkages that will provide key environmental corridors. This will increase the amount of habitat in the region and allow flora and fauna to move from place to place.
We are working in partnership with DELWP and the WGCMA, who have mapped the health and location of native vegetation in the shire. They have also identified proposed biolinks to join these areas of native bushland. The biolinks plan will guide future revegetation and remnant protection projects and provide a strategic approach by identifying where the greatest environmental return for investment exists. To find out more click on the flyer below and to book please click here ![]()
If you’re interested in anything related to the growing of Hops and the beer brewing process this is the event for you.
This event will commence at the Bass Coast Landcare Network Office, will visit the Loch Brewery and Distillery by bus and finish up at the Hops trial site behind the landcare office. Lunch and bus transport will be provided. The cost of the day is $20 per person. Look out for the Bass Coast Landcare Event sign. We hope to see you there. Click here to register. If you have trouble registering or wish to pay on the day please call the Bass Coast Landcare Network Office on 5678 2335. |
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January 2025