South Gippsland Landcare Network (SGLN) is working with neighbouring Latrobe Catchment Landcare Network (LCLN) and the Natural Environment Program of DELWP on a project to protect Giant Gippsland Earthworms and three species of burrowing crayfish (Warragul, Strzelecki, and Narracan).
We have a wonderful resource available in the following two websites, which have recently been updated. They are full of interesting photos, facts and videos of these cryptic animals (and there’s even a David Attenborough video!). If you are wondering whether you might have these species on your property, have a look at the Expression of interest form which is available on both websites. By answering the questions and referring to the map you can see whether your property may provide suitable habitat. If it does, you can complete the form online and we will get in touch to chat about it further. Suitable properties will have a site visit from Dr Beverly Van Praagh, and landowners will receive advice on how to manage the area around the colonies. If on-ground works (such as fencing to prevent cattle pugging and disturbing the earthworms) is required SGLN have funds available to help protect these species. For more information, please contact Cassie from SGLN at [email protected] or 0448 739 559. This project was funded with the support of the Victorian Government. If you’re wanting to understand more about the climate change information that’s available for Victoria, learn how the climate has already changed, see what Victoria’s climate might be like in 2050 and beyond, or even where you’d start in looking for this information; DELWP is running two climate science webinars in late June that are just for you!
Webinar 1: Climate change in Victoria – past, present and future Date: 1-2pm, Wednesday 24 June 2020
Webinar 2: Victorian Climate Projections 2019 – findings and tips for interpreting Date: 1-2pm, Friday 26 June 2020
Click 'read more' for more information. Phillip Island Landcare Group have just sent out their 2020 planting day flyer, with 4 planting dates between June and August.
What better way to break the isolation blues, than to get out in the fresh air and plant trees?! These events will still follow appropriate social distancing guidelines and food handling for that delicious BBQ at the end! Please be sure to RSVP to any plantings you are interested in. Click on the flyer to download the full size. BCLN has recently acquired a Kawasaki 4wd Side by Side mule to help the Works Crew and Pest Animal team efficiently deliver our contract work and also help out with revegetation work.
We will also be taking delivery of a Quick Spray unit, which will help the team out with weed control and spot spraying in difficult to reach places throughout our Landcare network. As part of OHS responsibility to our staff team we have recently engaged HART training to run a side by side vehicle course. 13 of our staff were put through the training over a two day period. Click 'read more' for the full story. Clinton Tepper is a forester and farmer who operates Camaray Farm in Buln Buln. Over 5 years ago Clinton set up a demonstration plot with and planted 3 species of trees at wide spacings integrating high value timber, crops and livestock. The trial has been successful and is now best known as the flagship for multi storey farming (MSF).
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