A great turn out of over 60 people officially launched the River Garden, a community garden, trials, innovation and education precinct on the banks of the Bass River on Saturday 9th of December. A welcome and introduction by Education officer Peter Baird outlined the future vision for the space and how the community can get involved in this exciting new project. After a tour of the site, expert Horticulturalist Jarrod Ruch showed participants how to construct a no dig garden, on contour swale systems for efficient movement of water and how to espalier fruit trees in a very informative session. Participants also had the chance to put forward their ideas on what they would like to see happen and be involved in at the River Garden. We look forward to working with all of you to make these ideas a reality!
Watch this space and our facebook page for informative videos from the day to be released over the coming weeks. To register your interest in being a part of the River Garden please call our office at Bass on (03) 5678 2335 or email [email protected] |
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